Moore's BBQ

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Moore’s BBQ, Greenville, NC

November 10, 2015

Mid-build picture of the Moore’s BBQ structure in Greenville, NC.

Boom truck

October 10, 2015

A boom truck in action from the Shallotte, NC location. This is a mounted crane on one of our commercial trucks, great... View Article

Recent Retirees

April 20, 2015

Charles Sutton, retired April 15th, pictured with Debbie Ipock, retired March 27th from Garris Evans’ New Bern location.

New Shallotte Trucks

February 10, 2015

Shallotte got a few new trucks to add to the fleet!

Katz Roadshow Greenville

January 10, 2015

Billfish Tournament Sponsor

September 10, 2014

Barta Boys & Girls Club Billfish Tournament Sponsor

Fishing at Pamlico Point

June 10, 2014

Rachel Furci with a 19″ drum that bit a Gulp Shrimp near Pamlico Point

HBA Golf Tour

May 10, 2014

The New Bern Location sponsor of HBA Golf Tour

Training Meeting

May 10, 2014

Training Meeting with Craven County and New Bern City Code Officials. Boise Engineered Wood Products.